Ubisoft is a company I like, I suppose. They're the ones that made Assassin's Creed 2, my game of the year 2009, but I still never forget that they're to EA what EA is to Activision, if that makes sense.
The confrence was hosted by Joel McHale. At first I found him amusing but after a while I realized that having him is a bad idea. His style of comedy is based off of making fun of other things and being a dick, so even when he tries to sound interested it comes off as him being a sarcastic dick so he always has to apologize after every remark targeted at someone else since they might not get that he's joking and realize that he's actually an asshole. Now on to the games.
It starts with the only Kinect game I want, Child Of Eden from Tetsuya Mizuguchi, the person who made Rez. Later I found out that you can get it on the PS3 too, so I was thrilled. It's another trippy and colorful shooter that assults your eyes and ears with colorful displays of particle effects and sounds. The way it was shown as Mizuguchi himself played the game gave it an impression of a symphony of awesome. A+ would buy twice.
Then it gets better with Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, which starts with a pretty cool CG cutscene of Ezio going through a crowd to confront some person while other assassins provide cover with bows and arrows. It ends with the typical VERSUS shot with the two sides running at each other head on. After that there's a demonstration that begins with an awkward sex scene. The fort is assulted by.. some guys and they have cannons and shit. It ends with a certain item being taken by Ezio's rival and Ezio getting shot and falling from a rooftop. Gameplay improvements... ehh... They said they'll improve the horses and insert, god help us, horse combat. I personaly never used a horse in AC2 and avoided them whenever possible so the idea of horse combat, which will probably be forced, does not thrill me. Also turret sequences. They said they fine-tuned the combat, but the AC combat was never good so ehh. Still will buy.
Then it was time for Shaun White Skateboarding featuring guest star Shaun White. Shaun White may be the son of Carrot Top but he's still a pretty cool guy I suppose. Now the game sort of reminded me of Flower and Saboteur with the fact that through your actions you return color and life to the world. And Shaun White has the powers of Green Lantern, since he can generate green halfpipes and extending rails out of thin air.
Then it was silly time, since the next game was pretty much laser tag that you can play at home. It was... well it was laser tag but... moving on.
Then it was fitness time with the same exact fitness game and script as the one in the Microsoft conference.
Then there was another Rabbids game. meh
Then they showed Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Future Soldier, which I view as one part Splinter Cell, one part Gears and one part Modern Warfare. It looked like an interesting game to play with people.
Then the CEO of Ubisoft came and sounded like girl someone had beaten up a bit. Then they showed Driver San Francisco which has the feature where you can jump from car to car with the power of... umm... being in a coma. While the game didn't look bad, the other racers seen shit on it.
Then there was some Populous style game called Project Dust.
Then there was Rayman Origins, which looked cool and very impressive for a game only 5 people work on. I mean really, that's the dev team. 5 people.
And finally, a Michael Jackson game, no gameplay was shown. Not even a trailer was shown. Just a bunch of dancers came and reenacted Beat It.
Overall, Ubisoft was second worst, but still okay I suppose.
Magical coma powers GO