I think this cover says it all
Endless Waltz is the conclusion to the Gundam Wing saga. This thing was a followup to the ending of the TV series since the next Gundam TV series, Gundam X bombed for being not as successful, despite being way more Gundam than any other non-UC Gundam. At first they released Endless Waltz as a 3-part OVA which was later turned in to a film. I only watched the film, and don't think I missed anything important. So first I'll give you a summary of the story.
One year after the end of the TV series ending, the Gundam Pilots, except for Wufei (who didn't read the memo since noone taught him how to read) are willing to say goodbye to their Gundams forever by launching them in to the sun. At the same time, Relena is kidnapped by a 4 year old girl, her grandpa and an army of idiots dressed in terrible uniforms but armed with grunts more effective than water pistols.
So the plot is that the 4 year old girl and her nigs are going to take over the world since for some reason all of civilization discareded their weapons, so it would be more or less a walk in the park, and the rest of the movie is how the Gundam Pilots and the Preventers fight against the Marimeia army both with and without mobile weapons.
Also for some reason Trowa and Wufei work for the villains for a bit. I don't really get why Trowa joined but I think it might have had something to do with blackmail or debt or maybe he was an infiltrator, I'm not sure, it wasn't really said. Wufei joined since he didn't believe in world peace or something, I'm not sure, we'll focus on Wutard later on.
So then while Duo and Heero fight in some colony not armed with their deathweapons, Trowa sits in a computer room and eats donuts, Wufei sits in Nataku and masturbates while dreaming of Treize, Quatre goes to get the gundams back, and succeeds.
Also some flashback material was shown about how noname became Trowa and the gundam pilots rebelled against the true Operation Meteor, and explained what exactly Operation Meteor is. Also it reveals that Heero has a guilty concience for the death of a little girl and her dog, altough you are just told about that, rather than you actually see Heero feel it.
So then Heero gets in to Wing Zero Custom and fights with Wufei in a fight where they exchange philosophies. I was distracted by Wing Zero Custom's sparkly wings to actually force myself to listen to them, since their dialogue was remiscent of a dillusional idealist and a retard arguing in a forum.
So meanwhile, Relena hangs out with the 4 year old girl and her grandpa in an underground base and exchange political banter.
Then the finale is Zechs, in the Tallgeese 3, along with Duo, Trowa, Quatre (in the Custom redesigns of their mechs) and Noin cripling, but not killing grunts in Serpents. Meanwhile, Wing Zero crashes in to the sea and Heero later wakes up and goes on his final mission to save Relena in Wing Zero. So then while it is said that the pilots are losing, altough it doesn't really look like that, Wing Zero starts hammering the underground base's sheild with the Twin Buster Rifle so hard the suit is wrecked entirely and falls like 500 metres, but since Heero's skeleton is made from the same shit as his gundam, he survives.
Then the little girl realizes what a retard she was and takes a bullet for Relena, but sadly does not die. Then her grandpa, who was an asshole, gets shot by his own soldiers. Then Heero falls in to Relena's arms like how all the fangirls wish he would in theirs.
After that, all of the mobile suits on earth were destroyed and the world never saw war again and the pilots had peaceful, normal lives, the end.
Fucking what. Okay no. Back up. This sounds way too idealistic. Okay fine, it's okay for say, the soldiers to wish for peace forever, since that's just an ideal, it doesn't mean it will happen, since I guaran-fucken-tee you that global peace will never happen unless humanity becomes extinct and only animals live on this planet. Such an idealistic ending, where conflict never happens again on earth, is something I'd expect from a fairytail. In Universal Century, everyone was completely aware that war will happen again and again, and they should be happy that they got the war done atleast for a while. G Gundam had also a somewhat idealized world since they got rid of war and replaced it with a tournament, but atleast that was like ''they chose to settle their differences in a different way'' rather than ''they never had conflict ever again''.
So for some reason Wufei was the only person to realize that global peace forever is impossible. Or rather, he didn't think that exactly, it's just that the Emperor Of The Six Holy Retards Of The South Star suspected that something isn't right, and he probably felt it in his krham. Then he fights Heero and Heero keeps telling him ''No way man, this peace is for real'' and Wufei's like ''no way''.
Also it's not really that well explained why exactly they chose to send the Gundams in to the sun. It serves the plot purpose of having a situation where the gundams could still be recovered. Now if they just detonated the gundams and then sent the scrap to be recycled in to indestructible gundanium dildos for Dorothy, they'd be fucked since there's no way they could have rebuilt the gundams fast enough to fight back when facing the Serpents.
Also speaking of Serpents, I really like the Serpent grunts. Compared to the Leos they're like Mazinger Z put next to an electric wheelchair with a bottle of urine and a propane tank sitting in it covered in gasoline. Under the balcony of a smoker's lounge. But I figured out why exactly I like the Serpents, besides the fact that they're the only grunts to feel like they pose a threat, is that they have gatling guns. I love gatling guns.
Also in the scene where Heero and Duo end up in Leos fighting Wufei and Trowa in a Serpent. These might have been the only cases in the history of After Colony that a Leo has ever done something other than explode. In fact, that Leo would have been elected empeoror of gruntkind in AC if he wasn't destroyed, but atleast he got in to valhalla.
Also it was funny how Duo said that the Serpent Custom uses the same style as Trowa when all it really did was stand in place and shoot until it runs out of ammo. Oh wait...
A good thing about Endless Waltz is that it uses mobile suits in just the right dosage. In the TV series it was all over the place. At one point you yawn as you see the Gundams destroy grunts when leaving pidegon poop on the gundam would do more damage than the Leos could ever do. And then at the middle point, the gundams appear very rarely so it's all just character interaction, which also isn't that good. In Endless Waltz, the Gundams are abscent for most of the film which builds up anticipation to see the gundams again and makes seeing them in action seem interesting.
Also they had Hajime Katoki design the redesigns of the Gundams. The true purpose was to boost model sales. So the movie retcons the TV series designs and has it like ''They were always like this'', which is kind of jarring.
So overall, Endless Waltz was better plotted out that the TV series and was a pretty decent film.
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