Detroit Metal City is a parody manga by Kiminori Wakasugi. It is a parody of the various music movements in Japan, but mostly focuses of the metal movement and also the popular, trendy hipster shit. It was adapted in to a live action movie and a 12 episode OVA with the average episode run time being 13 minutes. You could argue that Detroit Metal City is the Japanese equal to Metalocalypse, and you will be 140% right.
Soichiro Negishi is a country bumpking from Nagoya who moves to Tokyo to become a trendy hipster pop star, he adores swedish pop and the shibuya-kei movement (which is hip and trendy as fuck, and also gay). However, the rent doesn't pay itself, so his job is to be the frontman of the death metal band Detroit Metal City. As the frontman, he assumes the identity of Johannes Krauser III, who is the opposite of Negishi. Krauser is violent, rude and metal as fuck. The series focuses on the ways how Krauser, and the popularity of DMC interfieres with Negishi's normal life.
Negishi does get to live his dream in a way. He's in a popular band... as Krauser. He gets to be on TV... as Krauser. He has best selling albums... as Krauser and he gets to star in a movie with his favorite actors... As Krauser.
Negishi is a pussy on his own and I think he might be gay, but when shit gets tense he starts to channel Krauser. The dynamic between the two personalities is kind of like those of Akira Fudo and Devilman (Semi-obscure Go Nagai reference! GO!).
Krauser and the death metal scene in DMC is a kind of blunt and direct commentary on the metal crowd. DMC is kind of like Horsedick.mpeg since they sing about mostly the crudest and most direct things that are associated with death metal.
Their discography of songs includes songs with such classy titles as Satsugai (Murder, which is also the opening), Mesu Buta Kyokuyoku (Female Pig Symphony), Ano Ko Wo Rape (Rape that girl), Mao (Demon Lord/Satan) and Fuckingham Palace (which is actually a cover of another band's songs in the DMC universe). And these songs actually exist and they're on an album IRL. And they're actually not bad (if you're in to that sort of thing).
Krauser is rumored to be a sexual deviant who has raped hundreds of girls, and that as a teenager he had raped and killed his parents, and has demonic powers. And Krauser's fans take this very seriously and treat those things as cool facts, but not in a ''OHHHHH, THAT'S SO EDGY'' manner, but just a ''OH LOOK A BEER KEG, COOL!'' kind of way.
Krauser also appears with an middle-aged gimp named The Pig Of Capitalism that he beats up on stage.
DMC doesn't hate on these things at all, but it still does point out on how ridiculous and slightly retarded these things sound.
But also the shibuya-kei trendy hipster faggot movement is shown as a bunch of metrosexual wusses who like really sappy, sacherine songs that are not that good but they posture with them since they're indie in a way of sticking it up to the man.
Other music movements featured would be the punk scene, represented by the anti-sexism girlband known as the Kintama Girls (Kintama is slang for testicles) and their diss record ''DMC - Dumbass Motherfucking Cherry Boys''. But there's not that much actual commentary.
And then there's the rapper from ''New York'' known as Kiva, who was actually a classmate of Negishi from Nagoya. Kiva starts a beef with DMC and ends up losing horribly since his flows and rhymes are terrible and Krauser knew his secret past that he is not actually a gangsta from New York but the son of a fish shop owner fron Nagoya.
Then there's the final boss of the OVA, Jack il Dark, who is a parody of OG metalfags from the USA, Gene Simmons in particular. He's someone who really embraces being what Krauser is supposed to be but isn't really. Also he sounds like a middle aged white guy who is dubbed over with a menacing Japanese voice, but you can still hear the english, which is hilarious.
An amusing thing about DMC is the amount of times the words FUCK and RAPE are used, and they use the english words.
If you have 2 hours and 30 minutes to spare, marathon DMC, I think it's pretty hilarious and has some interesting commentary.
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